
vrijdag, juni 29, 2007

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dinsdag, juni 19, 2007

Wat is gespecialieerde kinesiologie - spiertesten?


Het eerste wat je wil weten van een spiertester is ... Wat is spiertesten? Want een spiertester zonder spiertesten is als een vis zonder water.

Het mechanisme is eenvoudig!
Je maakt gebruik van een hefboommechanisme. Spier(groep)en zijn via pezen vastgehecht aan de botstructuur. Door de botten (armen en benen) zo te plaatsen dat de spier(groep)en in de gewenste positie komen en de armen of benen zo te bewegen dat de spier(groep) zich moeten verlengen. Neem nu waar of er beweging in zit of niet.

1. Breng de te testen spier in een verkorte positie.
Dat betekent dat je de arm of het been zo plaatst dat het begin- en eindpunt van de spier zo dicht mogelijk naar elkaar komen, zodat de spier zich kan ontspannen.

2. Breng spanning in de spier door de spier te bewegen in haar lengterichting.
Dat betekent dat je de arm of  het been in die richting beweegt dat het begin- en eindpunt van elkaar afbewegen, zodat de spier zich moet verlengen.

3. Verlengt de spier zich of niet.
Dat betekent dat je registereert of de beweging stagneert of niet. Een spiertest waarbij geen beweging wordt waargenomen, wordt "sterk" genoemd. Andersom een spiertest waarbij wél beweging wordt waargenomen, wordt "zwak" genoemd.

Het gaat dus om beweging [zwak] of geen beweging [sterk].

That's all folks.

Kinesiologie in Nederland

maandag, juni 18, 2007

Can you alter the muscle test just by thinking (2)

It is a well knownfact that an observation can NEVER be done objectively

It is Quantumphysics that states that the observer is always to be considered part of the system the observer is observing. In fact it is the observer is the one who determines whether a quant is viewed as a wave or a particle. Speaking about manipulation.

"What  do you mean by thinking makes a muscle test react differently?". You see over the years I've developed a 'sixth sense' when it comes to make a body scan. In my mind's eye I perform a body scan while I muscle test. In this way I have a quick notion of where the problem may be. It is this notion that I present to the client when I 'think' while in the meanwhile I perfrom a muscle test. I may be of no surprise the muscle test will show a change as predicted.

"What good does it do to muscle test the way you told us?". For me it is part of the ritual to tune in into the real problem(s) the client has in store right now. To find the hotspots quickly is the basic statement for a successful session.


Can you alter the muscle test just by thinking

Yes! You can!.

"Why should you do that? ". In - specialized kinesiology - we muscle test and while muscle testing one can project and influence. Just to ... experiment, .... make a point, ... project something to show how things can be differently.

S/he who doesn't play with the possiblities is not open to the facts of life!

"Doesn't make this the muscle test unreliable?". No, it is just your proof. Is proves you, you should be open minded and blanc in mind whenever you perform this kind of testing or else you will not involve the possiblities that are involved.

Any investigator should and shall be "open minded" and that is true for all kinds of investigation. Don't you agree!


zondag, juni 17, 2007

Magic of Kinesiology: February 2007

Touch For Health

The Touch For Health course (which to me is the basis of kinesiology) was originally devised by John Thie using the techniques based on his work with fellow chiropractor George Goodheart and research by:
  • Kendall and Kendall, who used muscle testing methods
  • Chapman, who researched Neurolymphatic Reflexes see diagram on Matthew Thies' site
  • Bennett, who researched Neurovascular Reflexes.
To quote from JohnThie "I treasure the Touch For Health synthesis. I see it as a candle lighting the way to better health and living. And I believe each of us holds such a candle - perhaps as yet unlit - that can serve to guide those we cherish safely toward a more abundant life".
John has definitely enriched my life as kinesiology has now been my life's work for many years. In 1996 he wrote in my work manual "To Sahaja, may you love touch and heal with confidence and assurance" Such a gift from a truly compassionate man! He has now died and you can read more of his story here

>> Perthkinesiology

woensdag, juni 13, 2007

Kangoo idea

Kangoo idea

Weave Magic with Microsoft® Outlook®


If you really want to learn the inside secrets of automating things you never really dreamed of, then I advise you to read this entire letter.

This e-book is all about showing you how to automate  your work chores and have them run on auto pilot using the
Magic of Microsoft® Outlook®.

Allow Outlook® Magic to give You back your life.


zaterdag, juni 09, 2007

"101 Romantic Ideas"

This is a bonus e-book from Michael Webb (The Romantic). This e-book will give you 101 incredible ideas for keeping romance alive in your relationship. If you haven't heard of Michael--he's the author of the #1 best seller "The Romantic's Guide" and 6 other books on romance. 

It is one of the bonuses that come with "The Amazing Formula For Communicating Straight from The Heart to Create a Lifetime of Love..."


Conversational Hypnosis!

How to quickly and easily put people under your spell and get them to do what you want. This great investment is one of the list of many to investigate and excel in communication.

A 101 crash coarse for Persuader in spe. Yes you!


Easily become an expert in The Persuasion Paradigm.
1. Absorb Attention
2. Bypass The Conscious Mind
3. Induce the Desired Feeling or Emotion
4. Intensify the Feeling or Emotion
5. Link the Feeling or Emotion to Desired Action!

This 5 step process is not taught anywhere else! ___________________________________________________

Instant Article Wizard

Create high quality articles on virtually any subject in just minutes!

The 101 coarse in Writing Articles ...
1. Writing in this method starts with gathering data from the internet.
2. Next comes compiling data.
3. Rearrange data.
4. Publisch Article.

Let this Wizard help you! Piece of cake.
Isn't it a beautiful thing. You can do this too.


Kangoo idea

Kangoo idea